An array of activities
Deccan Birders organizes field trips, lectures, film and slide shows, nature camps, treks, waterfowl counts, bird ringing, etc.
Monthly Field Trips
- Visit to all the birding hot spots around Hyderabad
- Mingle with the experts
- Experience the joy of live bird sightings

PITTA – Monthly Newsletter
- Trip reports by members with great details and pictures
- Bird of the month column
- Opportunity to print your articles
Annual Bird Race
- Full day birding with an assigned team
- Team with the maximum sightings wins
- Sumptuous dinner to celebrate the day

Annual Waterfowl Census
- Census performed every Winter season.
- Volunteering opportunity to do the census.
- Data submitted to Wetlands International.
- Talks by eminent ornithologists.
- Network with the experts
- Become aware of the latest developments.

Annual Nature Camps and Trekking
- National and International camps
- Focus on the bird watching.
- Exclusive access to sanctuaries wherever possible.